
Emmy's Submission

Submitting to my husband (the HOH, head of household) is bittersweet. Last night he called me to bed, off the computer, to lay down on my stomach for him. He laid next to me and pulled my bright pink Viki's panties down off my buttocks. I didn't bother counting the spanks. It's so embarassing but I have to admit, Emmy deserves it! He'd even forgot for a couple days.

As my HOH, it's his right to spank when he pleases. I have no argument against him because I willingly give him my submission- he takes it from there. HOH is patient with me for the most part, and allows me to have sexual satisfation whenever I please- as long as I ask first. He always puts me before him, which is why the spanks are necessary. I am a better wife because of them.

I'll turn 21 in a few months, HOH already is. But we've already been together 5 years! Only been having sex since we were married- at which point I gave him my body willingly and submit. It's beautiful. And painful.

We have no kids, but I imagine I'll still be needing discipline even after they come. We'll have kids when he decides we're ready, and after making sure I'm okay with it. Then I'll be their leader as my husband is my leader. I'm not abused, nor am I a slave. I'm cherished and taken care of. I'm held accountable for my actions, and I'm comforted by HOH after he reddens my bum, and than I thank him for it. Because even though I hate it in the moment, his spankings and loving disciplines: they ground me.

So considerate and loving, my husband...


At 9/02/2017 7:55 AM, Blogger Loving wife said...

It sounds so rewarding and loving you guys are so lucky to have each other

At 9/02/2017 7:57 AM, Blogger Loving wife said...

I also believe a woman should submit to her husband and make him feel respected and in control. Keep up your good wifely duities


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